14.5.6 Check Your Understanding – Configuration Management Answers

1. Which of the following are not typically used as configuration tools? (Choose two.)

  • API
  • Ansible
  • Chef
  • Puppet
  • SaltStack
  • SNMP

Explanation: API and SNMP are not configuration management tools.

2. Identify the term for the following definition in relationship to configuration management tools: Programmatically performing a task on a system such as configuring an interface or deploying a VLAN.

  • Version control
  • Automation
  • Orchestration
  • Network management

Explanation: Automation is typically associated with a tool automatically performing a specific task.

3. Identify the term for the following definition in relationship to configuration management tools: The process of how all automated activities need to happen, such as the order they must be done and what must be completed before another task is begun.

  • Version control
  • Automation
  • Orchestration
  • Network management

Explanation: Orchestration is arranging a set of automated tasks that results in a coordinate process or workflow.

4. True or False: Agentless means that the controller or master pushes the configuration to the controlled device.

  • True
  • False

Explanation: The correct answer is True: Agentless configuration management is “push-based.” A configuration script is run on the master. The master connects to the device and executes the tasks in the script.

5. Which of the following configuration management tools use Python? (Choose all that apply.)

  • Ansible
  • Chef
  • Puppet
  • SaltStack

Explanation: Ansible and SaltStack use the Python language. Puppet and Chef use Ruby.

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