20.1.5 Check Your Understanding – The Troubleshooting Process Answers

1. Medhat is unable to connect to a site on the internet. To begin troubleshooting, he first tests network connectivity. If that fails, he will work his way down the layers to the physical medium. If network connectivity tests succeed, he will work his way up to troubleshooting the application software. Which structured troubleshooting method is Medhat using?

  • Bottom-Up
  • Top-Down
  • Divide-and-Conquer
  • Follow-the-Path
  • Substitution
  • Comparison
  • Educated Guess

Explanation: Medhat is using the divide-and-conquer troubleshooting method by starting at Layer 3.

2. Patti is troubleshooting an issue on the network. Based on her past experience with similar situations, she assumes the problem is a bad IP configuration and starts troubleshooting with that. Which structured troubleshooting method is Patti using?

  • Bottom-Up
  • Top-Down
  • Divide-and-Conquer
  • Follow-the-Path
  • Substitution
  • Comparison
  • Educated Guess

Explanation: Patti has prior experience with similar issues; therefore, she is using the educated guess troubleshooting method.

3. Allan contacts the ISP complaining of issues connecting to the internet. He is unsure of the problem. The ISP sends a new preconfigured modem to Allan in hopes that it solves the situation. Which structured troubleshooting method is the ISP using?

  • Bottom-Up
  • Top-Down
  • Divide-and-Conquer
  • Follow-the-Path
  • Substitution
  • Comparison
  • Educated Guess

Explanation: By sending a new modem and hoping it resolves the problem, the ISP is using the substitution troubleshooting method.

4. Which structured troubleshooting method should be used when a software orientated problem occurs?

  • Bottom-Up
  • Top-Down
  • Divide-and-Conquer
  • Follow-the-Path
  • Substitution
  • Comparison
  • Educated Guess

Explanation: The top-down troubleshooting approach should be used when a software orientated problem occurs.

5. Which structured troubleshooting method should be used when a cabling problem is suspected?

  • Bottom-Up
  • Top-Down
  • Divide-and-Conquer
  • Follow-the-Path
  • Substitution
  • Comparison
  • Educated Guess

Explanation: The bottom-up approach should be used when a cabling problem is suspected.

6. Which structured troubleshooting method attempts to locate the issue in a device or link between the source and destination?

  • Bottom-Up
  • Top-Down
  • Divide-and-Conquer
  • Follow-the-Path
  • Substitution
  • Comparison
  • Educated Guess

Explanation: The follow-the-path approach discovers the actual traffic path between source and destination and then tries to eliminate the links and devices that are irrelevant to the troubleshooting task at hand.

7. Which structured troubleshooting method attempts to resolve the problem by changing elements in the problem device or configuration to be consistent with a working one?

  • Bottom-Up
  • Top-Down
  • Divide-and-Conquer
  • Follow-the-Path
  • Substitution
  • Comparison
  • Educated Guess

Explanation: The comparison method attempts to use a working device or configuration as a model for correcting an issue in the problem device or configuration.

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