Threat actors have positioned themselves between a source and destination to monitor, capture, and control communications without the knowledge of network users. What type of attack is this?

IT Questions BankCategory: CyberOps AssociateThreat actors have positioned themselves between a source and destination to monitor, capture, and control communications without the knowledge of network users. What type of attack is this?

Threat actors have positioned themselves between a source and destination to monitor, capture, and control communications without the knowledge of network users. What type of attack is this?

  • MiTM
  • eavesdropping
  • DoS
  • IP address spoofing

Explanation: In man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attacks, a threat actor causes network traffic to pass through his computer. The traffic is then forwarded on as usual. The threat actor can then access then read and analyze the traffic for valuable information.

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