An employee is at a restaurant with friends and describes an exciting new video game that is under development at the company the employee works for. Is the behavior of the employee ethical or unethical?

IT Questions BankCategory: Introduction to CybersecurityAn employee is at a restaurant with friends and describes an exciting new video game that is under development at the company the employee works for. Is the behavior of the employee ethical or unethical?

An employee is at a restaurant with friends and describes an exciting new video game that is under development at the company the employee works for. Is the behavior of the employee ethical or unethical?

  • ethical
  • unethical

Explanation: It is not ethical to share a confidential product idea before it is released. Describing the game to a group of friends outside the company could leak the idea and jeopardize the new product offering.

Exam with this question: Introduction to Cybersecurity Chapter 1 Ethics Quiz

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