How can you prevent others from eavesdropping on network traffic when operating a PC on a public Wi-Fi hotspot?

IT Questions BankCategory: Introduction to CybersecurityHow can you prevent others from eavesdropping on network traffic when operating a PC on a public Wi-Fi hotspot?

How can you prevent others from eavesdropping on network traffic when operating a PC on a public Wi-Fi hotspot?

  • Create unique and strong passwords
  • Connect with a VPN service
  • Use WPA2 encryption
  • Disable Bluetooth

Explanation: You should use an encrypted VPN service to prevent others from intercepting your information (known as ‘eavesdropping’) over a public wireless network. This service gives you secure access to the Internet, by encrypting the connection between your device and the VPN server. Even if hackers intercept a data transmission in an encrypted VPN tunnel, they will not be able to decipher it.

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Exam with this question: Introduction to Cybersecurity: My Knowledge Check

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