In the following example, which data format is used?

IT Questions BankCategory: CCNA 3 v7In the following example, which data format is used?

In the following example, which data format is used?

message: success
timestamp: 1560789260
    latitude: '25.9990'
      longitude: '-132.6992'
  • HTML
  • JSON
  • XML
  • YAML

Explanation: YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML) separates the key/value pairs using a colon without quotation marks. YAML also uses indentation to define the structure, without using brackets or commas. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) encloses key/value pairs in braces, { }. Keys must be strings within double quotation marks, “ ”. A key is separated from a value by a colon. Extensible Markup Language (XML) data is enclosed within a related set of tags: <tag>data</tag>.

Exam with this question: 14.7.2 Module Quiz - Network Automation

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