It is crucial that network administrators be able to examine and configure network devices fromtheir homes. Which two approaches allow this connectivity without increasing vulnerability to externalattacks? (Choose two.)

IT Questions BankCategory: CCNA Discovery v4It is crucial that network administrators be able to examine and configure network devices fromtheir homes. Which two approaches allow this connectivity without increasing vulnerability to externalattacks? (Choose two.)

It is crucial that network administrators be able to examine and configure network devices fromtheir homes. Which two approaches allow this connectivity without increasing vulnerability to externalattacks? (Choose two.)

  • Configure a special link at the POP to allow external entry from the home computer.
  • Set up VPN access between the home computer and the network.
  • Install a cable modem in the home to link to the network.
  • Configure ACLs on the edge routers that allow only authorized users to access management portson network devices.
  • Configure a server in the DMZ with a special username and password to allow external access.

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