Traditional infrastructure security measures rely on control of physical communication paths and the insertion of security appliances. Why does this not work in cloud computing?

IT Questions BankCategory: Network DefenseTraditional infrastructure security measures rely on control of physical communication paths and the insertion of security appliances. Why does this not work in cloud computing?

Traditional infrastructure security measures rely on control of physical communication paths and the insertion of security appliances. Why does this not work in cloud computing?

  • lack of virtual security appliances
  • lack of subnet option when assigning network resources to a VM instance
  • lack of layered network infrastructure
  • lack of direct access to physical network infrastructure

Explanation: Traditional infrastructure security measures based on the control of physical communication paths and insertion of security appliances does not work in cloud computing because cloud customers do not have direct access to the physical network infrastructure.

Exam with this question: 7.3.4 Check Your Understanding: Cloud Computing Security Measures

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