What can an administrator do to ensure that ICMP DoS attacks from the outside are mitigated as much as possible, without hampering connectivity tests initiated from the inside out?

IT Questions BankCategory: CCNA Discovery v4What can an administrator do to ensure that ICMP DoS attacks from the outside are mitigated as much as possible, without hampering connectivity tests initiated from the inside out?

What can an administrator do to ensure that ICMP DoS attacks from the outside are mitigated as much as possible, without hampering connectivity tests initiated from the inside out?

  • Create an access list permitting only echo reply and destination unreachable packets from the outside.
  • Create an access list denying all ICMP traffic coming from the outside.
  • Permit ICMP traffic from only known external sources.
  • Create an access list with the established keyword at the end of the line.

Exam with this question: CCNA Discovery 3: DRSEnt Chapter 8 Exam

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