What is the level of need for data integrity in an e-commerce organization?

IT Questions BankCategory: Network Support and SecurityWhat is the level of need for data integrity in an e-commerce organization?

What is the level of need for data integrity in an e-commerce organization?

  • low
  • mid
  • high
  • critical

Explanation: The importance of data integrity varies based on how an organization uses the data:

  • Critical level of need: Data integrity might be a matter of life or death in a healthcare organization. For example, prescription information must be accurate. Therefore, all data is continuously validated, tested, and verified.
  • High need: In an e-commerce or analytics-based organization, transactions and customer accounts must be accurate. All data is validated and verified at frequent intervals.
  • Mid-level of need: Online sales and search engines collect data that has been publicly posted. Little verification is performed, and data is not completely trustworthy.
  • Low level of need: Blogs, forums, and personal pages on social media are powered by public opinion and open contribution. Data may not be verified at all, and there is a low level of trust in the content.

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