Which answers list a matching software development CRUD action to an HTTP verb that performs that action? (Choose two answers.)

IT Questions BankCategory: CCNAWhich answers list a matching software development CRUD action to an HTTP verb that performs that action? (Choose two answers.)

Which answers list a matching software development CRUD action to an HTTP verb that performs that action? (Choose two answers.)

  • CRUD create and HTTP PATCH
  • CRUD update and HTTP PATCH
  • CRUD delete and HTTP PUT
  • CRUD read and HTTP GET

Explanation: In the CRUD software development acronym, the matching terms (create, read, update, delete) match one or more HTTP verbs. While the HTTP verbs can sometimes be used for multiple CRUD actions, the following are the general rules: create performed by HTTP POST; read by HTTP GET; update by HTTP PATCH, PUT (and sometimes POST); delete by HTTP DELETE.

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