Which approach can help block potential malware delivery methods, as described in the Cyber Kill Chain model, on an Internet-facing web server?

IT Questions BankCategory: CCNA CyberOpsWhich approach can help block potential malware delivery methods, as described in the Cyber Kill Chain model, on an Internet-facing web server?

Which approach can help block potential malware delivery methods, as described in the Cyber Kill Chain model, on an Internet-facing web server?

  • Build detections for the behavior of known malware.
  • Collect malware files and metadata for future analysis.
  • Analyze the infrastructure path used for files.
  • Audit the web server to forensically determine the origin of exploit.

Explanation: A threat actor may send the weapon through web interfaces to the target server, either in file uploads or coded web requests. By analyzing the infrastructure storage path used for files, security measures can be implemented to monitor and detect malware deliveries through these methods.

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