Which of the following cloud services is most likely to be purchased and then used to later install your own software applications?

IT Questions BankCategory: CCNAWhich of the following cloud services is most likely to be purchased and then used to later install your own software applications?

Which of the following cloud services is most likely to be purchased and then used to later install your own software applications?

  • IaaS
  • PaaS
  • SaaS
  • SLBaaS

Explanation: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) supplies one or more working virtual machines (VMs), optionally with an OS installed, as a place where you can then customize the systems by installing your own applications.
Software as a Service (SaaS) supplies a predefined software application, but typically with no ability to then later install your own applications. Platform as a Service (PaaS) could be used to install your own application, because PaaS does supply one or more VMs, but it is most likely used as a software development environment, a service designed specifically to be used for development, with VMs that include various tools that are useful for software development. Finally, Server Load Balancing as a Service (SLBaaS) can be offered as a cloud service, but it is not a general service in which customers get access to VMs on which they can then install their own applications.

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