You need to setup a penetration testing practice lab because some of the tools that are preferred at Protego are new to you. What best practices will you follow as you setup your lab? (Choose all that apply.)

IT Questions BankCategory: Ethical HackerYou need to setup a penetration testing practice lab because some of the tools that are preferred at Protego are new to you. What best practices will you follow as you setup your lab? (Choose all that apply.)

You need to setup a penetration testing practice lab because some of the tools that are preferred at Protego are new to you. What best practices will you follow as you setup your lab? (Choose all that apply.)

  • Ensure closed access to the network and internet.
  • Create a virtualized computing environment.
  • Provide sufficient hardware resources to ensure valid results.
  • Utilize the same tool for consistent results.
  • Test using one common operating system.
  • Use hardened targets for more challenging tests.

Explanation: Using a closed network in a penetration test lab ensures controlled access and restricted access to the Internet. Having sufficient hardware resources ensures that a lack of resources is not the cause of false results. A virtualized computing environment provides easy deployment and recovery of devices being tested. Other best practices include using a realistic setting, system health monitoring to enable causes of crashes to be determined, using multiple operating systems, duplicating testing tools, and numerous practice targets to test.

Exam with this question: 1.3.4 Practice - Requirements and Guidelines for Penetration Testing Labs

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