A college network administrator is planning a wireless LAN to provide service in the student lounge and outdoor patio. The requirements include a range of at least 80 meters and a speed of 30 Mb/s. Which wireless LAN standard meets these requirements?

IT Questions BankCategory: CCNA Discovery v4A college network administrator is planning a wireless LAN to provide service in the student lounge and outdoor patio. The requirements include a range of at least 80 meters and a speed of 30 Mb/s. Which wireless LAN standard meets these requirements?

A college network administrator is planning a wireless LAN to provide service in the student lounge and outdoor patio. The requirements include a range of at least 80 meters and a speed of 30 Mb/s. Which wireless LAN standard meets these requirements?

  • 802.11
  • 802.11a
  • 802.11b
  • 802.11g

Exam with this question: CCNA Discovery 1: DHomeSB Final Exam

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