A customer of a large multisite organization has asked a network engineer to compare a new IPv4 addressing strategy with an IPv6 strategy for their new network implementation. Which tool is appropriate for testing and comparing both addressing schemes?

IT Questions BankCategory: CCNA Discovery v4A customer of a large multisite organization has asked a network engineer to compare a new IPv4 addressing strategy with an IPv6 strategy for their new network implementation. Which tool is appropriate for testing and comparing both addressing schemes?

A customer of a large multisite organization has asked a network engineer to compare a new IPv4 addressing strategy with an IPv6 strategy for their new network implementation. Which tool is appropriate for testing and comparing both addressing schemes?

  • NBAR
  • Cisco SDM
  • Network Assistant
  • network simulation tool

Exam with this question: CCNA Discovery 4: DCompNtwk Final Exam

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