For two hosts, each on a different network, which of the following statements are true? (Choose three.)

IT Questions BankCategory: Networking EssentialsFor two hosts, each on a different network, which of the following statements are true? (Choose three.)

For two hosts, each on a different network, which of the following statements are true? (Choose three.)

  • Both hosts will have the same MAC address.
  • Both hosts will have the same IP address.
  • Both hosts will have the same default gateway address.
  • Both hosts will have different MAC addresses.
  • Both hosts will have different IP addresses.
  • Both hosts will have different default gateway addresses.

Explanation: Hosts will typically always have different MAC and IP addresses. However, hosts on the same network will use the same default gateway address. A host on another network would use a different default gateway address.

Exam with this question: 10.1.4 Check Your Understanding - Network Boundaries

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