For two hosts that are on the same network, which of the following statements are true? (Choose three.)

IT Questions BankCategory: Networking EssentialsFor two hosts that are on the same network, which of the following statements are true? (Choose three.)

For two hosts that are on the same network, which of the following statements are true? (Choose three.)

  • Both hosts will have the same MAC address.
  • Both hosts will have the same IP address.
  • Both hosts will have the same default gateway address.
  • Both hosts will have different MAC addresses.
  • Both hosts will have different IP addresses.
  • Both hosts will have different default gateway addresses.

Explanation: Hosts will typically always have different MAC and IP addresses. However, hosts on the same network will use the same default gateway address. A host on another network would use a different default gateway address.

Exam with this question: 10.1.4 Check Your Understanding - Network Boundaries

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