Match the scenario, describing the use of data, with the respective data integrity level needed.

IT Questions BankCategory: Network Support and SecurityMatch the scenario, describing the use of data, with the respective data integrity level needed.

Match the scenario, describing the use of data, with the respective data integrity level needed.

Explanation: Place the options in the following order:

Blogs, forums  and personal pages on social media are powered by public opinion and open contribution. Data may not be verified at all, and there is a low level of trust in the content. Low level of need.
Online sales and search engines collect data that has been publicly posted. Little verification is performed, and data is not completely trustworthy. Mid level of need.
In a healthcare organization, data integrity might be a matter of life and death. Prescription information must be accurate. Therefore , all data is continuously validated, tested and verified. Critical level of need.
In an E-commerce or analytics based organization, transactions and customer accounts must be accurate. All data is validated and verified frequently. High level of need.

Exam with this question: 3.1.8 Check Your Understanding - Security Foundations

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