What is a type of VPN that is generally transparent to the end user?

IT Questions BankCategory: CCNAWhat is a type of VPN that is generally transparent to the end user?

What is a type of VPN that is generally transparent to the end user?

  • site-to-site
  • remote access
  • public
  • private

Explanation: With site-to-site VPNs, internal hosts have no knowledge that a VPN exists. Remote access VPNs support a client/server architecture, where the VPN client (remote host) gains secure access to the enterprise network via a VPN server device at the network edge. Public and private are not VPN types.

Exam with this question: Module 18: Quiz – VPNs Network Security
Exam with this question: CCNA 3 v7 Module 8 Quiz - VPN and IPsec Concepts

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