What is the primary difference between link-state protocols and distance vector protocols with regard to route calculation?

IT Questions BankCategory: CCNA Discovery v4What is the primary difference between link-state protocols and distance vector protocols with regard to route calculation?

What is the primary difference between link-state protocols and distance vector protocols with regard to route calculation?

  • Distance vector protocols take existing routes from their neighbors and add to them. Link-state protocols independently calculate full routes.
  • Link-state protocols calculate and pass full routing tables to all routers in their associated areas, and distance vector protocols do not.
  • When determining invalid routes, link-state protocols use split horizon for all route computations. Distance vector protocols use reverse poisoning.
  • Distance vector protocols require more CPU and RAM for route calculations than link-state protocols require.

Exam with this question: CCNA Discovery 3: DRSEnt Chapter 6 Exam

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