Which resource is an open-source framework that allows rapid deployment of post-exploitation modules, including keyloggers, bind and reverse shells, and adaptable communication to evade detection?

IT Questions BankCategory: Ethical HackerWhich resource is an open-source framework that allows rapid deployment of post-exploitation modules, including keyloggers, bind and reverse shells, and adaptable communication to evade detection?

Which resource is an open-source framework that allows rapid deployment of post-exploitation modules, including keyloggers, bind and reverse shells, and adaptable communication to evade detection?

  • BloodHound
  • Sysinternals
  • WMI
  • Empire

Explanation: Empire is an open-source framework that includes a PowerShell Windows agent and Python Linux agent. It allows rapid deployment of post-exploitation modules, including keyloggers, bind and reverse shells, Mimikatz, and adaptable communication to evade detection. BloodHound is a single-page JavaScript web application that uses graph theory to reveal the hidden relationships in a Windows Active Directory environment. Sysinternals is a suite of tools that allows administrators to control Windows-based computers from a remote terminal. WMI is used to manage data and operations on Windows operating systems.

Exam with this question: 8.3.3 Quiz - Performing Post-Exploitation Techniques Answers

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