Which two statements correctly describe certificate classes used in the PKI? (Choose two.)
- A class 0 certificate is for testing purposes.
- A class 0 certificate is more trusted than a class 1 certificate.
- The lower the class number, the more trusted the certificate.
- A class 5 certificate is for users with a focus on verification of email.
- A class 4 certificate is for online business transactions between companies.
Explanation: A digital certificate class is identified by a number. The higher the number, the more trusted the certificate. The classes include the following:
- Class 0 is for testing purposes in which no checks have been performed.
- Class 1 is for individuals with a focus on verification of email.
- Class 2 is for organizations for which proof of identity is required.
- Class 3 is for servers and software signing for which independent verification and checking of identity and authority is done by the issuing certificate authority.
- Class 4 is for online business transactions between companies.
- Class 5 is for private organizations or governmental security.
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