Which type of attack is used to trick a user into sharing confidential information such as login credentials and credit card numbers?

IT Questions BankCategory: Network Support and SecurityWhich type of attack is used to trick a user into sharing confidential information such as login credentials and credit card numbers?

Which type of attack is used to trick a user into sharing confidential information such as login credentials and credit card numbers?

  • cross-site scripting
  • phishing
  • pharming
  • remote code execution

Explanation: Phishing occurs when a user is contacted by email or instant message and is tricked into installing malware on their device or into sharing confidential information. Pharming deliberately misdirects users to a fake version of an official website. Remote code execution allows a cybercriminal to take advantage of application vulnerabilities to execute any command with the privileges of the user running the application on the target device. Cross-site scripting occurs when the victim accesses a web page and malicious scripts are unknowingly passed to their browser.

Exam with this question: 2.5.13 Check Your Understanding – Application Attacks

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