Why are port numbers included in the TCP header of a segment?

IT Questions BankCategory: CCNA Discovery v4Why are port numbers included in the TCP header of a segment?

Case 1:

Why are port numbers included in the TCP header of a segment?

  • to indicate the correct router interface that should be used to forward a segment
  • to identify which switch ports should receive or forward the segment
  • to determine which Layer 3 protocol should be used to encapsulate the data
  • to enable a receiving host to forward the data to the appropriate application
  • to allow the receiving host to assemble the packet in the proper order

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Case 2:

Why are port numbers included in the TCP header of a segment?

  • to indicate the correct router interface that should be used to forward a segment
  • to enable a receiving host to forward the data to the appropriate application
  • to allow the receiving host to assemble the packet in the proper order
  • to identify which switch ports should receive or forward the segment
  • to determine which Layer 3 protocol should be used to encapsulate the data

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