A company is concerned with protecting internal e-commerce servers against external attacks. An application layer firewall is installed at the network edge and a host-based IDS system is installed on the internal LAN. What should be done to ensure a fast response and minimum server downtime in the event of an external attack?

IT Questions BankCategory: CCNA Discovery v4A company is concerned with protecting internal e-commerce servers against external attacks. An application layer firewall is installed at the network edge and a host-based IDS system is installed on the internal LAN. What should be done to ensure a fast response and minimum server downtime in the event of an external attack?

A company is concerned with protecting internal e-commerce servers against external attacks. An application layer firewall is installed at the network edge and a host-based IDS system is installed on the internal LAN. What should be done to ensure a fast response and minimum server downtime in the event of an external attack?

  • Replace the host-based IDS with an IPS.
  • Place the e-commerce servers in a DMZ.
  • Install a logging server to monitor all attacks.
  • Replace the application layer firewall with a stateful one.

Exam with this question: CCNA Discovery 4: DCompNtwk Final Exam

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