A new PC is taken out of the box, started up and connected to the Internet. Patches were downloaded and installed. Antivirus was updated. In order to further harden the operating system what can be done?

IT Questions BankCategory: Cybersecurity EssentialsA new PC is taken out of the box, started up and connected to the Internet. Patches were downloaded and installed. Antivirus was updated. In order to further harden the operating system what can be done?

A new PC is taken out of the box, started up and connected to the Internet. Patches were downloaded and installed. Antivirus was updated. In order to further harden the operating system what can be done?

  • Turn off the firewall.
  • Install a hardware firewall.
  • Give the computer a nonroutable address.
  • Remove the administrator account.
  • Disconnect the computer from the network.
  • Remove unnecessary programs and services.

Explanation: When hardening an operating system, patching and antivirus are part of the process. Many extra components are added by the manufacturer that are not necessarily needed.

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