Match the cloud characteristics to the description.

IT Questions BankCategory: IT Essentials 8Match the cloud characteristics to the description.

Case 1:

Match the cloud characteristics to the description.

Explanation: Place the options in the following order:

Cloud-based applications and services are made available to the general population. Public Cloud
This cloud is made up of two or more clouds where each part remains a distinctive object, but both are connected using a single architecture. Hybrid Cloud
The cloud provider manages the network and provides organizations access to network equipment, virtualized network services, storage, software, and supporting network infrastructure. IaaS
A cloud created for exclusive use by a specific community. Community Cloud
Cloud-based applications and services offered are for a specific organization or entity, such as the government. Private Cloud
The cloud provider provides access to operating systems, development tools, programming languages, and libraries used to develop, test, and deliver applications. PaaS
The cloud provider provides access to services, such as email, calendar, communication, and office tools such as Office 365 over the internet on a subscription basis SaaS

Case 2:

Match the cloud characteristics to the description.

Explanation: Place the options in the following order:

Cloud systems provide service performance measurements that can be used to automatically control and optimize resources using a metering mechanism. Measured and Metered service
Customers can provision services when they need them and make changes when they want, without any assistance from the provider. On demand
Cloud services are available over the network using many devices. Broad network access
Services can be provisioned when needed and then released very quickly when no longer required. Rapid elasticity
The computing resources of the provider are pooled to serve multiple consumers using a multi-tenant model. Resource pooling

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