If the default gateway is configured incorrectly on a host, what is the impact on communications?

IT Questions BankCategory: Networking BasicsIf the default gateway is configured incorrectly on a host, what is the impact on communications?

If the default gateway is configured incorrectly on a host, what is the impact on communications?

  • The host is unable to communicate with hosts on both the local and remote networks.
  • The host is unable to communicate on the local network.
  • The host is unable to communicate with hosts on remote networks.
  • The host cannot get an IP address from the DHCP server.

Explanation: In data communication, the default gateway device is involved only when a host needs to communicate with other hosts on another network. The default gateway address identifies a network device that a host device uses to communicate with devices on other networks. The default gateway device is not used when a host communicates with other hosts on the same network.

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