Match the cause of the disk management to the problem scenario.

IT Questions BankCategory: IT Essentials 8Match the cause of the disk management to the problem scenario.

Match the cause of the disk management to the problem scenario.

Explanation: Place the options in the following order:

Storage spaces A user is working on a very sensitive project. The technician wants to be sure that the project files are always backed up by mirroring the project drive.
Defragment A user complains that the hard drive takes a long time to open large files.
Error checking A data disk has returned errors when opening files.
Active partition The computer of a technician has partitions for Windows 8 and 10 so that it can support both operating systems. The technician wants the computer to boot to Windows 8 because a customer has a question about that operating system.
Unreadable A second hard drive has been making strange sounds and now it is no longer available in File Explorer.
Mounting A colleague has the ISO disk image file of a training DVD that the technician would like to view on the computer.

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