Match the malware to the respective description.

IT Questions BankCategory: IT Essentials 8Match the malware to the respective description.

Match the malware to the respective description.

Explanation: Place the options in the following order:

Malicious software that executes a specific, unwanted, and often harmful function on a computer. Virus
Malware that executes arbitrary code and installs copies of itself in the memory of the infected computer. The main purpose of this malware is to automatically replicate from system to system across the network. Worm
Non-self-replicating type of malware. It often contains malicious code that is designed to look like something else, such as a legitimate application or file. It attacks the device from within. Trojan Horse
Malware used to gather information about a user, and, without the user’s consent, sends the information to another entity. Spyware
Malware that typically displays annoying pop-ups to generate revenue for its author. Adware
Malware that attempts to convince people to divulge sensitive information. Phishing
Malware that includes scam software that uses social engineering to shock, cause anxiety, or cause the perception of a threat. It is generally directed at an unsuspecting user. Scareware
Malware that is installed on a compromised system and provides privileged access to the hacker. Rootkit
Malware that denies access to the infected computer system and demands a person be paid in order for the restriction to be removed. Ransomware

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