Which destination address is used in an ARP request frame?
- the physical address of the destination host
Explanation: The purpose of an ARP request is to find the MAC address of the destination host on an Ethernet LAN. The ARP process sends a Layer 2 broadcast to all devices on the Ethernet LAN. The frame contains the IP address of the destination and the broadcast MAC address, FFFF.FFFF.FFFF. The host with the IP address that matches the IP address in the ARP request will reply with a unicast frame that includes the MAC address of the host. Thus the original sending host will obtain the destination IP and MAC address pair to continue the encapsulation process for data transmission.
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What is the function of the kernel of an operating system?
- The kernel provisions hardware resources to meet software requirements.
- The kernel links the hardware drivers with the underlying electronics of a computer.
- It is an application that allows the initial configuration of a Cisco device.
- It provides a user interface that allows users to request a specific task.
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What is the function of the kernel of an operating system?