Lab – Where is My Data? Answers Lab – Where is My Data? (Instructor Version)


Explore the ownership of your data when that data is not stored in a local system.

  • Part 1: Explore the Terms of Service Policy
  • Part 2: Do You Know What You Signed Up For?

Background / Scenario

Social media and online storage have become an integral part of many people’s lives. Files, photos, and videos are shared between friends and family. Online collaboration and meetings are conducted in the workplace with people who are many miles from each other. The storage of data is no longer limited to just the devices you access locally. The geographical location of storage devices is no longer a limiting factor for storing or backing up data at remote locations.

In this lab, you will explore legal agreements required to use various online social media and storage services. You will also explore some of the ways you can protect your data.

Required Resources

  • PC or mobile device with Internet access

Part 1: Explore Terms of Service Agreements

If you are using online services to store data or communicate with your friends or family, you probably entered into an agreement with the provider. The Terms of Service, also known as Terms of Use, or Terms and Conditions, is a legally binding contract that governs the rules of the relationship between you, your provider, and others who use the service.

Navigate to the website of an online service that you use and search for the Terms of Service agreement. Below is a list of many popular social media and online storage services.

Social Media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/policies
Instagram: http://instagram.com/legal/terms/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tos
Pinterest: https://about.pinterest.com/en/terms-service

Online Storage

icloud: https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/icloud/en/terms.html
Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/terms2014
OneDrive: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/microsoft-services-agreement

Review the terms and answer the following questions.

a. Do you have an account with an online social media and/or storage provider? If so, have you read the Terms of Service agreement?
No I didn’t read the service agreement.

b. What is the data use policy?
Through your computer, mobile phone, and other digital devices, you leave behind hundreds of digital traces or data: bits of information about you that are created, stored, and collected.

c. What are the privacy settings?
Privacy is the ability of persons to isolate themselves information from attack

d. What is the security policy?
A security policy is a written document in an organization outlining how to protect the organization from threats, including computer security threats, and how to handle situations when they do occur.

e. What are your rights regarding your data? Can you request a copy of your data?
The data collect from website or company from any person how use this website can delate his data history or request copy data.

f. What can the provider do with the data you upload?
can use the information we have to deliver our Products, including to personalize features and content and make suggestions for you (such as groups or events you may be interested in or topics you may want to follow) on and off our Products.

g. What happens to your data when you close your account?
All of your information becomes inaccessible to users.
It remains accessible to advertisers for about a month.
After that, only Facebook, NSA, FBI, and CIA have that information, and they never delete it.
Deleting your account doesn’t mean that your info will also be deleted. It just means that you have chosen to no longer update your information by yourself. So, someone else will need to do it

Part 2: Do You Know What You Signed Up For?

After you have created an account and agreed to the Terms of Service, do you really know what you have signed up for?

In Part 2, you will explore how the Terms of Service can be interpreted and used by providers.

Use the Internet to search for information regarding how Terms of Service agreements can be interpreted.

Below are a few samples articles to get you started.

  • Facebook:


  • icloud:


  • Dropbox:


Review the articles and answer the following questions.

a. What can you do to protect yourself?
Answers may vary. Read and understand the agreement, and check periodically for changes.

b. What can you do to safeguard your account and protect your data?
Change your passwords regularly and use a complex password.

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