3.3.4 Packet Tracer – Deploy and Cable Devices Answers

3.3.4 Packet Tracer – Deploy and Cable Devices Answers

Answers Note: Red font color or gray highlights indicate text that appears in the Answers copy only.


  • Deploy and Cable Network Devices.

Background / Scenario

You will locate, deploy, and cable multiple types of devices.


Part 1: Deploy the Devices

1. Navigate to the Device-Type Selection box at the bottom of the screen.

The top row of icons represents categories of devices and the bottom row represents subcategories. Point at the top row of icons slowly and look at the Label box between the rows; the names of the categories will appear. Now point at the lower row icons and you will see their names appear.

2. You will deploy switches and PCs. Point at the lower row icons until you see one labeled Switches. Click the switch icon and you will see the switch devices in the Device-Specific Selection box change.

3. Deploy two 2960 switches over the Switch0 and Switch1 labels in the workspace. You can drag and drop the switch or select the desired switch and click the desired location in the workspace.

4. Repeat for the end devices. Click the End Devices category in the Device-Type Selection box and deploy six PCs.

If you are unsure of which device is the PC, just point at the device in the Device-Specific Selection box and look at the label area below the devices; it should say PC-PT. (Remember that you do not have to select the PC icon six times to deploy them. There is a shortcut).

Note: If you need more instructions for deploying the devices, you can refer to a previous Packet Tracer activity or click Help > Contents > select Workspace Basics > Logical Workspace within Packet Tracer.

Part 2: Cable the Devices.

In this part, you will connect the PCs to the switches.

Step 1: Connect the PCs to the Switches.

1. Click the category that looks like a lightning bolt labeled Connections. In the Device-Specific Selection box, there will appear a series of cable types. Select the Copper Straight-Through cable type.

2. Click the center of the PC0. You will see a pop-up menu appear showing the cable connection types. Select FastEthernet0 in the pop-up menu.

3. With the wire, click Switch0. Select FasEthernet0/1 in the pop-up menu.

The cable will now be connected, and two blinking link lights will appear, one green and one amber. After a while, the amber light will turn green. You will learn about the color of lights as you progress through the course.

4. Repeat the cabling process for the rest of the PC. The connections to be done are listed below:

PC1 FastEthernet0 to Switch0 FastEthernet0/2
PC2 FastEthernet0 to Switch0 FastEthernet0/3
PC3 FastEthernet0 to Switch1 FastEthernet0/1
PC4 FastEthernet0 to Switch1 FastEthernet0/2
PC5 FastEthernet0 to Switch1 FastEthernet0/3
Step 2: Connect the Switches.

You will connect the switches together using a copper cross-over cable.

1. Select a Copper Cross-Over cable. Click Switch0. Select GigabitEthernet0/1 in the pop-up menu.

2. With the wire, click Switch1 and select the same interface from the pop-up menu. The cable will appear and both link lights will be amber but will eventually turn to green after about a minute.

3. Save the file as desired.

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