Lab – Explore a Large Dataset Answers Lab – Explore a Large Dataset Answers


Explore a sample dataset to view the power of Big Data.

Background / Scenario

Before data can become meaningful information, it needs to be processed.

Required Resources

  • PC with access to the Internet

Step 1: Locate a large, free, searchable database.

a. Click here to access the United States Department of Agriculture Statistics Service database.

b. Select: Quick Stats (Searchable Database)
Notice the status in the top right hand corner. How many records are currently in the database?
Answers vary but it must be a value greater than 34.7 million.

Step 2: Select Categories

a) From the categories select:

Program: Census
Sector: Animals & Products
Group: Poultry
Commodity: Ducks
Category: Inventory
Data Item: Ducks – Inventory
Geographic Level: State
State: Alaska

Next, select: Get Data

What was the inventory of ducks in Alaska in 2012?

Select the Back button and change the state to Hawaii. Ensure that the year is still 2012.
What was the inventory of ducks in Hawaii in 2012?

b) If you owned a company that required ducks, how would this database be of use to the company?
Answers will vary but the database can help you find new sources of ducks.

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