3.1.11 Lab – Recover Passwords Answers

3.1.11 Lab – Recover Passwords (Answers)


  • Use a tool to recover user passwords.
  • Change a user password to a stronger password.

Background / Scenario

There are four user accounts, Alice, Bob, Eve, and Eric, on a Linux system. There is also the superuser account cisco. The user accounts in the VM are not meant to be secure as the VM is sandbox environment and is not meant for real world applications. In this lab, you will use John the Ripper, an open source password recovery tool, to recover the passwords for all five accounts.

Required Resources

PC with the CSE-LABVM installed in VirtualBox


Step 1: Open a terminal window in the CSE-LABVM.

a. Launch the CSE-LABVM.

b. Double-click the Terminal icon to open a terminal.

Step 2: Combine passwords and usernames into one text file.

a. Enter the following command to change to the directory where John the Ripper is located:

cisco@labvm:~$ cd Downloads/john/run

b. Use the unshadow command to combine the /etc/passwd file where user accounts are stored, with the /etc/shadow file where user passwords are stored, into a new file called mypasswd. Enter password as the superuser password, if requested. The syntax for the unshadow command is as follows:

cisco@labvm:~/Downloads/john/run$ sudo ./unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow >
[sudo] password for cisco: password

Step 3: Run John the Ripper to recover the passwords.

a. To see that the passwords are not yet recovered (cracked), enter the command ./john –show mypasswd.

cisco@labvm:~/Downloads/john/run$ ./john --show mypasswd
Created directory: /home/cisco/.john
0 password hashes cracked, 5 left

b. John the Ripper uses a predefined dictionary called password.lst with a standard set of predefined “rules” for handling the dictionary and retrieves all password hashes of both md5crypt and crypt type. At the command prompt, enter the following command to recover the passwords stored in the mypasswd file.

cisco@labvm:~/Downloads/john/run$ ./john --wordlist=password.lst --rules
mypasswd --format=crypt
Loaded 5 password hashes with 5 different salts (crypt, generic crypt(3) [?/64])
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
password1        (Eric)
password         (cisco)
password         (Eve)
12345            (Bob)
123456           (Alice)
5g 0:00:00:00 100% 6.097g/s 117.0p/s 585.3c/s 585.3C/s #CSE course accounts from Lab -
Authentication Authorization Accounting..natasha
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed

c. Enter the ./john –show mypasswd command again to see that the passwords are now cracked.

cisco@labvm:~/Downloads/john/run$ ./john --show mypasswd
cisco:password:900:900:Cybersecurity Analyst,,,:/home/cisco:/bin/bash

5 password hashes cracked, 0 left

Step 4: Change a user password to a stronger version and try to recover it.

a. Create your own strong password or use an online password generator to create one.

b. Find an online “password strength checker” to test the strength of your password. Your password should take at least thousands of years to crack.

c. Use your superuser privileges to change Eric’s password from password1 to the value for your new strong password. Make sure you get the “password updated successfully” message.

cisco@labvm:~/Downloads/john/run$ sudo passwd Eric
[sudo] password for cisco: password
New password: <your_new_strong_password>
Retype new password: <your_new_strong_password>
passwd: password updated successfully

Run unshadow, and then john again to see if you can crack Eric’s password. If you changed Eric’s password to one that is strong enough to take thousands of years to crack, you will be waiting a long time. When you are done waiting, enter q or Ctrl+C to stop John the Ripper.

cisco@labvm:~/Downloads/john/run$ ./john --wordlist=password.lst --rules
mypasswd --format=crypt
Loaded 5 password hashes with 5 different salts (crypt, generic crypt(3) [?/64])
Remaining 1 password hash
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
0g 0:00:00:17 7% 0g/s 599.6p/s 599.6c/s 599.6C/s reddog1..mark1
Session aborted

e. Enter the ./john –show mypasswd command to see that only four passwords are cracked and one is left.

cisco@labvm:~/Downloads/john/run$ ./john --show mypasswd
cisco:password:900:900:Cybersecurity Analyst,,,:/home/cisco:/bin/bash

4 password hashes cracked, 1 left


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