Lab – Using Steganography (Answers Solution) Lab – Using Steganography (Answers)

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Use steganography to hide a document within a JPEG file.

Background / Scenario

Steghide is an open source steganography program that hides data in various types of files such as audio and image files. You are going to hide a data file within an image file.

Required Resources

  • PC with Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop LTS installed in a VirtualBox or VMware virtual machine

Step 1: Open a terminal window in Ubuntu.

a. Log in to Ubuntu using the following credentials:

User: cisco
Password: password Lab - Using Steganography (Answers Solution) 8

b. Click on the terminal icon to open a terminal. Lab - Using Steganography (Answers Solution) 9

Step 2: Run Steghide.

a. At the command prompt, enter the following command to change to the Downloads directory:

cisco@ubuntu:~$ cd Downloads/

b. Enter libreoffice secret.odt & at the prompt.

cisco@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ libreoffice secret.odt &

What is the message in the secret.odt?

The secret document

c. Close the secret.odt file when done.

d. Enter gimp keyboard.jpg & at the prompt to view the image file

cisco@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ gimp keyboard.jpg &

e. Close the keyboard.jpg file when done.

f. At the command prompt, enter the following command :

cisco@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ steghide embed -cf keyboard.jpg -ef secret.odt

This command takes the jpeg file called “keyboard.jpg” and uses it as a carrier to embed the document, secret.odt, into it.

g. When prompted for a passphrase, use Cisco. Re-enter the passphrase when prompted. Lab - Using Steganography (Answers Solution) 10

h. You have embedded the document, odt, into the image file, keyboard.jpg.

i. Open the files, secret.odt and keyboard.jpg. Did these files change?

No. The files did not change.

Step 3: Verify the hidden file.

a. Type the following command in terminal.

cisco@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ steghide info keyboard.jpg Lab - Using Steganography (Answers Solution) 11

b. Type y at the prompt. (Do not press Enter).

c. Enter the passphrase Cisco and press Enter.

d. The results below shows that the file, secret.odt, is encrypted and compressed. Lab - Using Steganography (Answers Solution) 12

Step 4: Extract the hidden file.

a. Type the following command in terminal.

cisco@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ steghide extract -sf keyboard.jpg Lab - Using Steganography (Answers Solution) 13

b. Enter the passphrase, Cisco, and press Enter.

c. Enter y when prompted to overwrite the existing odt file with the new extracted secret.odt file. Lab - Using Steganography (Answers Solution) 14

d. You have extracted the file. Open the extracted secret.odt file with LibreOffice.

Could you open the file? Is the secret message the same as before?

The file can be opened and the message is the same as before.


Steghide: http://steghide.sourceforge.net/


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