IoT Connecting Things 2.0 – Chapter 4 Quiz Answers

1. What is data in motion?

  • value extracted from data while it is being generated
  • data stored in mobile devices
  • data generated by an IoT device that is moving
  • data transferred from an IoT device to the cloud

Explanation: The term data in motion refers to the process of extracting value from data while it is being generated. It is considered in motion because it may or may not eventually be stored.

2. Which statement is an accurate description of 4G and 5G wireless technologies?

  • Both 4G and 5G technologies use a low-energy, low-power, low-data rate for wireless personal-area networks.
  • They require a wireless WAN connection to power constricted devices.
  • They are both cellular-based technologies for covering large geographic areas.
  • They both require a 2.4 GHz short-range radio frequency band for industrial, scientific, and medical applications.

Explanation: 4G and 5G are fourth and fifth generation cellular-based technologies for transferring data over large geographic areas. Both provide high bandwidth and are capable of supporting voice, mobile Internet access, video calling, and high-definition mobile TV.

3. Fill in the blank.
The three Vs that distinguish data from big data are velocity, volume, and variety

Explanation: The three Vs that distinguish data from big data are velocity, volume, and variety. Velocity is the rate at which data is generated. Volume is the amount of data transported and stored. Variety is the various types of data generated.

4. What are three characteristics that distinguish big data from data? (Choose three.)

  • amount of data being transported and stored
  • rate at which data is generated
  • type of data that is generated
  • where the data is stored
  • how the data is collected
  • who is authorized to access the data

Explanation: Big data is characterized by the three Vs of big data: volume, which is the amount of data generated; velocity, which is the rate at which data is generated; and variety, which is the type of data generated.

5. Which wireless technology has low-power and data rate requirements making it popular in home automation applications?

  • LoRaWAN
  • 5G
  • Wi-Fi
  • ZigBee

Explanation: ZigBee is an IEEE 802.15.4 wireless standard designed for creating personal-area networks. Low energy, power, and data rate requirements make Zigbee a popular protocol for connecting home automation devices.

6. Which pillar of the Cisco IoT System allows data to be analyzed and managed at the location where it is generated?

  • data analytics
  • fog computing
  • network connectivity
  • application enhancement platform

Explanation: The Cisco IoT System consists of six pillars to describe foundational elements, (1) network connectivity, (2) fog computing, (3) security (cyber and physical), (4) data analytics, (5) management and automation, and (6) an application enablement platform. The fog computing pillar covers software and hardware that extends IoT applications to the network edge.

7. Match the wireless technology with the description.

ZigBee –> popular in IoT applications such as home automation

4G/5G –> cellular-based technology for transferring data over large geographic areas

LoRaWAN –> uses a gateway to relay messages between end-devices and a central network server

8. Which wireless technology can be used to provide a metropolitan area with up to 100 Mbps of bandwidth?

  • Bluetooth
  • 5G
  • LoRaWAN
  • ZigBee

Explanation: 5G is a fifth generation cellular-based technology for transferring data over large geographic areas. 5G provides high bandwidth and is capable of data rates of 100 Mbps.

9. Which cloud service provides an app development platform and a backend service for apps?

  • Zapier
  • ZigBee

Explanation: is a cloud service that is an app development platform and is a useful resource for IoT systems that require a mobile app.

10. Match the type of media with the transmission technology.

copper wires –> electrical impulses

fiber optic cable –> pulses of light

wireless –> radio waves

Other Incorrect Match Options:
sound waves

11. What are two protocols developed by the Wi-Fi Alliance to secure wireless networks? (Choose two.)

  • WPA
  • 802.1x
  • WPA2
  • LoRaWAN
  • IPsec

Explanation: Wireless communications are inherently insecuer and require encryption to protect the data being transmitted. The Wi-Fi Alliance developed WPA and WPA2 as protocols to secure wireless networks. WPA is the older of the two protocols and considered vulnerable to hacking attacks, and therefore WPA2 is recommended.

12. Match the network component category with the description.

end devices –> source or destination of a message

intermediate devices –> determine best path for packets

media –> physical channel to carry messages

services –> network applications

13. Which type of payment model is typically used to purchase cloud services?

  • annual subscription fee
  • lump-sum payment in advance
  • pay-as-you-go system
  • calculation based on bandwidth

Explanation: Cloud services are usually provided as a pay-as-you-go service much like a utility.

14. What are rules governing communication between network devices?

  • processes
  • protocols
  • services
  • architectures

Explanation: Before devices on a network can communicate to each other, they must agree on a common set of communication rules. These rules are called protocols.

15. What measure should be taken to secure IoT devices?

  • install self-encrypting hard drives
  • disconnect from the Internet
  • keep firmware updated
  • implement the security through obscurity model

Explanation: IoT devices are typically too small and inexpensive to run complex security algorithms. This makes the devices vulnerable to security threats. To mitigate these threats, the firmware on the devices should be upgradesd to the latest version.

16. What is the goal of fog computing?

  • to store all data on a single server for processing
  • to send data immediately to the cloud for secure storage
  • to analyze data as close to the source as possible
  • to permanently store data on the local device

Explanation: The fog computing model involves real-time analysis of data as close to where it is created as possible.

17. Fill in the blank.
A ___ area network is usually administered by multiple service providers.​

Correct Answer:

  • WAN
  • wide
  • wide area network
  • wide area

Explanation: Wide-area networks, or WANs, are characterized by a large geographic scope and that they are administered by multiple service providers. WANs do not connect individual end devices together, but connect networks to the Internet.​​

18. Fill in the blank.
A ___ area network is a network infrastructure that interconnects end devices in a limited area.​

Correct Answer:

  • LAN
  • Local
  • Local area network
  • local area

Explanation: Local-area networks, or LANs, are geographically small, usually limited to a building, home, or campus, and administrated by a single organization or individual.​

19. What is the role of routing on data networks?

  • to determine the best paths for packets through the network
  • to provide a physical channel for packets to travel through the network​
  • to ensure availability of services and resources on the network​
  • to provide an architecture for data exchange

Explanation: On a network, packets must travel between source and destination along one of many paths. Routing is used on the network to calculate which path is the best path for packets to take.

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