IoT Connecting Things 2.0 – Chapter 6 Quiz Answers

1. What are two recommended security actions to take when using off-the-shelf IoT devices? (Choose two.)

  • Ensure that all accounts are enabled.
  • Enable remote management.
  • Disable UPnP.
  • Update software and patches.
  • Use default user accounts and passwords.

Explanation: Many off-the-shelf IoT devices are not designed and manufactured with security in mind. Security precautions must be taken with these devices. These precautions include disabling default user accounts, disabling UPnP, and disabling remote management services.

2. Which HTTP method initiates a RESTful read action?

  • POST
  • GET
  • PUT

Explanation: RESTful systems often communicate over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), using the same HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE) as used by web browsers. The GET HTTP verb is used to initiate a read action.

3. Which three blocks in the Business Model Canvas describe infrastructure management? (Choose three.)

  • channels
  • key activities
  • cost structure
  • key resources
  • revenue stream
  • key partnerships

Explanation: The Business Model Canvas uses nine building blocks to describe the business model of an organization based on a custom interface, infrastructure management, and finances. The infrastructure management consists of three blocks: key activities, key resources, and key partnerships.

4. Which type of information is conveyed in a sequence diagram?

  • types of interactions between devices along a timeline
  • processes and workflows in a project
  • components in an electrical circuit
  • steps in an engineering design process

Explanation: A sequence diagram is a common choice when various types of interactions between devices must be represented. They are used to represent interactions between devices along a timeline.

5. Which building block of the Business Model Canvas identifies how value will be delivered to customer segments?

  • customer relationships
  • customer segments
  • cost structure
  • channels

Explanation: In the Business Model Canvas, the channels building block identifies how an organization will deliver value to customer segments. Channels can include direct efforts or indirect methods as well as add value.

6. Which aspect of the Business Model Canvas is covered by four blocks: value proposition, customer segment, channels, and customer relationships?

  • finances
  • technologies
  • customer interface
  • infrastructure management

Explanation: The Business Model Canvas uses nine building blocks to describe the business model of an organization based on a custom interface, infrastructure management, and finances. The customer interface component consists of the four blocks.

7. What is documented through the use of a flowchart?

  • the best paths through a network
  • the interactions between entities along a timeline
  • the solution flow to a given problem
  • the components and connections of electric circuits

Explanation: The flowchart uses different shapes such as boxes and connecting arrows to represent processes in a workflow.

8. What ensures that an IFTTT URI is only usable by the authorized device?

  • a public key
  • a passphrase
  • a secret key
  • a challenge

Explanation: A secret key provided by IFTTT is used to ensure that only authorized devices and applications can use the special IFTTT URI.

9. What is an example of a company or entrepreneur using the Business Model Canvas?

  • using a network simulation tool such as Packet Tracer
  • using network documentation software such as Microsoft Visio
  • using network inspection software such as WireShark
  • using sticky notes on a large surface

Explanation: The Business Model Canvas is a way for organizations and entrepreneurs to visualize a business model based on customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and cost structures.

10. What are the first two steps in the engineering design process? (Choose two.)

  • document
  • inspire
  • define
  • construct
  • analyze

Explanation: The engineering design process is a series of five steps used by engineers when working on a solution to a problem. The steps in order are inspire, define, prototype, test, and present. The steps are cyclical and are repeated as many times as needed to make improvements in the design process.

11. Which function is associated with the marketing and sales activity of a product or service in the Business Model Canvas?

  • facilitating an exchange of value for offerings
  • receiving inputs for offerings
  • transforming inputs into offerings
  • distributing offerings to customers

Explanation: In the Business Model Canvas the, marketing and sales activity is concerned with facilitating an exchange of value for offerings.

12. Fill in the blank.
Rent is an example of a ___ cost because it does not change based on the amount of product produced.

Correct Answer:

  • fixed
  • fix
  • fixed cost

Explanation: There are two types of business costs: fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs are those that do not change based on the amount of product produced. Because the rent of a facility does not go up or down based on production, rent is a fixed cost.

13. Which web architecture uses hyperlink references that point to images, audio, or video?​

  • hypermedia
  • hyperlink
  • URIs
  • URLs

Explanation: Hypermedia is an extension of hypertext. Hypermedia references not only text but also images, audio, and video.​

14. What are three of the eight Millennium Development Goals? (Choose thee.)

  • eradicate extreme hunger
  • stop nuclear weapon development
  • ensure environmental sustainability
  • realize IoT solutions for car manufacturers
  • promote gender equality and empower women
  • provide high speed Internet access to every home

Explanation: The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are as follows:

  • Eradicate extreme hunger
  • Achieve universal primary education
  • Promote gender equality and empower women
  • Reduce child mortality
  • Improve maternal health
  • Combat HIV/AIDS and malaria and other diseases
  • Ensure environmental sustainability
  • Global partnership for development

15. Which area of activity in the Business Model Canvas is associated with transforming inputs into offerings?

  • sales
  • marketing
  • service
  • operations

Explanation: In the design of a value proposition, there are five areas commonly associated with production and manufacturing: inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service. The operations activity in the Business Model Canvas is concerned with transforming inputs into offerings.

16. What type of diagram is used to represent interactions along a timeline?

  • elementary diagram
  • electric schematic
  • flowchart
  • sequence diagram

Explanation: The sequence diagram is used to represent interactions along a timeline. A sequence diagram is also known as an event diagram or event scenario.

17. What symbol is used in a flowchart to represent a decision?

  • rectangle
  • star
  • circle
  • diamond

Explanation: In a flowchart, the rectangle is used to represent an activity or processing step. A diamond is used to represent a decision step.

18. What are two precautions that can be taken to prevent radio interference from unconnected analog pins on a circuit board? (Choose two.)

  • Connect them to ground.
  • Connect them to the battery.
  • Connect them to a resistor.
  • Cover them with electrical tape.
  • Connect them to each other.

Explanation: Analog pins with no connections are in a floating state. In this state they are subject to radio interference, which can change the state of the pin and cause corruption in the programming code of the device.

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