10.2.7 Check Your Understanding – Access Control Answers

1. Which AAA component is responsible for collecting and reporting usage data for auditing and billing purposes?

  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Accounting

Explanation: Accounting collects and reports data.

2. Which AAA component is responsible for controlling who is permitted to access the network?

  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Accounting

Explanation: Authentication controls who is permitted to access the network.

3. Which AAA component is responsible for determining what the user can access?

  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Accounting

Explanation: Authorization determines what a user can access.

4. In an 802.1X implementation, which device is responsible for relaying responses?

  • Supplicant
  • Authenticator
  • Router
  • Authentication server
  • Client

Explanation: In 802.1X, the authenticator, which is typically a switch or wireless access point, is responsible for relaying messages between the supplicant (client) and authentication server.

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