1.2.6 Check Your Understanding – Network Components Answers

1.2.6 Check Your Understanding – Network Components Answers

1. Which of the following is the name for all computers connected to a network that participate directly in network communication?

  • servers
  • intermediary devices
  • hosts
  • media

Explanation: Hosts are all computers connected to a network that participate directly in network communication.

2. When data is encoded as pulses of light, which media is being used to transmit the data?

  • wireless
  • Fiber-optic cable
  • copper cable

Explanation: Fiber-optic cable is the media is being used to transmit the data when data is encoded as pulses of light.

3. Which two devices are intermediary devices? (Choose two)

  • hosts
  • routers
  • servers
  • switches

Explanation: Routers and switches are intermediary devices.

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