12.5.4 Check Your Understanding – Channel Management Answers

1. Which of the following modulation techniques rapidly switches a signal among frequency channels?

  • DSSS
  • FHSS
  • OFDM

Explanation: FHSS transmits radio signals by rapidly switching a carrier signal among many frequency channels.

2. Which of the following modulation techniques spreads a signal over a larger frequency band?

  • DSSS
  • FHSS
  • OFDM

Explanation: DSSS is a modulation technique designed to spread a signal over a larger frequency band.

3. Which of the following modulation techniques is used in the new 802.11ax standard?

  • DSSS
  • FHSS
  • OFDM

Explanation: The new 802.11ax uses a variation of OFDM called Orthogonal frequency-division multiaccess (OFDMA).

4. How many channels are available for the 2.4 GHz band in Europe?

  • 11
  • 13
  • 14
  • 24

Explanation: There are 13 channels in the 2.4 GHz band in Europe (11 channels in North America and 14 bands in Japan).

5. How many channels are available for the 5 GHz band?

  • 11
  • 13
  • 14
  • 24

Explanation: There are 24 channels in the 5 GHz band.

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