Lab – Identify Pillars of the IoT System (Answers) Activity – Identify Pillars of the IoT System (Instructor Version)


  • Identify the Pillars of the IoT System from the Provided Descriptions
  • Provide Examples of Components in Each IoT Pillar

Background / Scenario

In this lab you will identify the six pillars of the Internet of Things (IoT) System. You will then list example
devices for each of these pillars.

Required Resources

Device with Internet access

Part 1: Identify the Pillars of the IoT System from the Provided Descriptions

Description Pillar
A broad selection of reliable and scalable routing, switching, and wireless products, as well as software-only solutions that can be integrated with third-party devices. Network Connectivity
Extends cloud connectivity closer to the edge, bringing end devices, such as smart meters, industrial sensors, robotic machines, and others, into an integrated computing, networking, and storage system. Fog Computing
Include cloud-based threat protection, network and perimeter security, user- and group-based identity services, video analytics, and secure physical access. Security (Cyber & Physical)
Distributed network infrastructure components and IoT-specific APIs, which allows you to run organization-specific software analysis packages throughout your network architecture. Data Analytics
Provides enhanced security and control and support for multiple siloed Functions and allows convergence of operational technology and IT networks to create and enforce a consistent policy across your entire organization. Management & Automation
Offers open APIs and application development environments on the rest of the Cisco IoT System for you, your partners and third parties to design, develop and deploy innovative solutions for your industry. Application Enablement Platform

Instructor Note: Descriptions were pulled from Brochure reference at bottom of chapter.

Part 2: Provide Examples of Components in Each IoT Pillar

Provide examples of devices used in each of the IoT Pillars listed above.

Instructor Note: Answer will vary and a device may belong in more than one pillar. Class discussion of answers may be helpful.

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