14.1.4 Check Your Understanding – Benefits of Automation Answers

1. You use online banking to pay a bill.

  • Automation
  • Not automation

Explanation: Paying bills online, changing the channel on the television, and opening your car with a remote control all involve human interaction. Automation is machine-driven.

2. Production levels are automatically tied to demand, eliminating unneeded product and reducing the impact on the environment.

  • Automation
  • Not automation

Explanation: Paying bills online, changing the channel on the television, and opening your car with a remote control all involve human interaction. Automation is machine-driven.

3. Your GPS recalculates the best route to a destination based on current traffic congestion.

  • Automation
  • Not automation

Explanation: Paying bills online, changing the channel on the television, and opening your car with a remote control all involve human interaction. Automation is machine-driven.

4. The temperature and lighting in your home is adjusted based on your daily routine.

  • Automation
  • Not automation

Explanation: Paying bills online, changing the channel on the television, and opening your car with a remote control all involve human interaction. Automation is machine-driven.

5. A refrigerator senses that you are out of milk and places an order for more.

  • Automation
  • Not automation

Explanation: Paying bills online, changing the channel on the television, and opening your car with a remote control all involve human interaction. Automation is machine-driven.

6. You adjust the volume on the television set with a remote control.

  • Automation
  • Not automation

Explanation: Paying bills online, changing the channel on the television, and opening your car with a remote control all involve human interaction. Automation is machine-driven.

7. Robots are used in dangerous conditions to reduce safety risks to humans.

  • Automation
  • Not automation

Explanation: Paying bills online, changing the channel on the television, and opening your car with a remote control all involve human interaction. Automation is machine-driven.

8. You open your car door with a remote control.

  • Automation
  • Not automation

Explanation: Paying bills online, changing the channel on the television, and opening your car with a remote control all involve human interaction. Automation is machine-driven.

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