3.2.6 Check Your Understanding – Threat Actors Answers

1. Which type of hacker is described in the scenario: After hacking into ATM machines remotely using a laptop, I worked with ATM manufacturers to resolve the security vulnerabilities that I discovered.

  • White Hat
  • Gray Hat
  • Black Hat

Explanation: These hackers commit crimes and do arguably unethical things, but not for personal gain or to cause damage. Gray hat hackers may disclose a vulnerability to the affected organization after having compromised their network.

2. Which type of hacker is described in the scenario: From my laptop, I transferred $10 million to my bank account using victim account numbers and PINs after viewing recordings of victims entering the numbers.

  • White Hat
  • Gray Hat
  • Black Hat

Explanation: These hackers are unethical criminals who compromise computer and network security for personal gain, or for malicious reasons, such as attacking networks.

3. Which type of hacker is described in the scenario: My job is to identify weaknesses in my company’s network.

  • White Hat
  • Gray Hat
  • Black Hat

Explanation: These ethical hackers use their programming skills for good, ethical, and legal purposes.

4. Which type of hacker is described in the scenario: I used malware to compromise several corporate systems to steal credit card information. I then sold that information to the highest bidder.

  • White Hat
  • Gray Hat
  • Black Hat

Explanation: These hackers are unethical criminals who compromise computer and network security for personal gain, or for malicious reasons, such as attacking networks.

5. Which type of hacker is described in the scenario: During my research for security exploits, I stumbled across a security vulnerability on a corporate network that I am authorized to access.

  • White Hat
  • Gray Hat
  • Black Hat

Explanation: These ethical hackers use their programming skills for good, ethical, and legal purposes.

6. Which type of hacker is described in the scenario It is my job to work with technology companies to fix a flaw with DNS.

  • White Hat
  • Gray Hat
  • Black Hat

Explanation: These ethical hackers use their programming skills for good, ethical, and legal purposes.

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