12.7.9 Check Your Understanding – Secure WLANs Answers

1. What are the best ways to secure WLANs? (Choose two.)

  • Authentication
  • SSID cloaking
  • Encryption
  • MAC address filtering

Explanation: Neither SSID cloaking nor MAC address filtering would deter a crafty intruder. The best way to secure a wireless network is to use authentication and encryption systems.

2. Which of the following authentication methods does not use a password shared between the wireless client and the AP?

  • WEP
  • WPA
  • WPA2
  • WPA3
  • Open

Explanation: WEP, WPA, WPA2, and WPA3 all use a pre-shared password between the wireless client and the AP.

3. Which encryption method is used by the original 802.11 specification?

  • AES
  • TKIP
  • AES or TKIP
  • RC4

Explanation: The original 802.11 specification was designed to secure the data using the Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4) encryption method with a static key.

4. Which of the following encryption methods uses CCMP to recognize if the encrypted and non-encrypted bits have been altered?

  • RC4
  • TKIP
  • AES

Explanation: AES uses the Counter Cipher Mode with Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP) that allows destination hosts to recognize if the encrypted and non-encrypted bits have been altered.

5. Which of the following authentication methods has the user enter a pre-shared password? (Choose two)

  • Open
  • WPA Personal
  • WPA Enterprise
  • WPA2 Personal
  • WPA2 Enterprise

Explanation: WPA Personal and WPA2 Personal both use a pre-shared password that wireless clients use to authenticate with the AP.

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