Lab – Share Resources (Instruction Answers) – IT Essentials v7.0 Lab – Share Resources

Instructor Note: Red font color or gray highlights indicate text that appears in the Instructor copy only.


In this lab, you will work with another student. You will create and share a folder. You will also set permissions for the share so your partner will only have read access.

  • 2 Windows computers on the same local network


Part 1: Verify Network Settings for Sharing

In this part, you will set up the Windows computer for sharing. In order for the computer to share its resources using the default sharing setting provided by Windows, the network settings need to be set to private network.

a. Navigate to the Control Panel. In the Small icons view, select Network and Sharing Center.

b. Under the View your active networks heading, verify that the network is listed as private. For Windows 7, it should be listed as Home network.

If the network is not listed as private or Home network:

Windows 10: Click Start, search for Settings. In the Settings window, select Network & Internet > Ethernet. In the Ethernet window, select the desired connected network. Under the network profile, select Private.

Window 8.1: Click Start, search for PC Settings. In PC Settings, click Network. In the Ethernet window, select the desired connected network. In the Find devices and content section, make sure On is selected.

Windows 7: In the Network and Sharing Center window, click Public network or Work network. Select Home network and click Close. Verify that the network location is set to Home network.

Note: If the Create a Homegroup window displays, click Cancel. A homegroup will not be used in this lab.

c. In the left panel, click Change advanced sharing settings. Verify that Network discovery and File and printer sharing are turned on in the Private profile.

d. In Windows 8.1 and 10, expand the All Networks profile as necessary. Select Turn off password protected sharing. Click Save changes to continue.

For Windows 7, under the Home or Work profile, turn on Turn off password protected sharing. Click Save changes to continue.

Part 2: Sharing Resources

In this part, you will prepare a folder to be shared on the local network. The other users, for example, your partner, on the local network will only have read access to your shared folder.

Step 1: Prepare to share a folder in Windows.

a. Click Start > Control Panel > Folder Options.

b. Click the View tab. Uncheck the Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended) check box, and then click OK.

Step 2: Create the Folder to be Shared.

a. Right-click any empty area on the Desktop, and then choose New > Folder to create a new folder on the Desktop.

b. Name the folder ShareXX, where XX are your initials. Create a text file named Brief.txt in the folder with the following text: This is an example document.

Step 3: Share the Folder.

a. Right-click the ShareXX folder, and then choose Properties > select the Sharing Tab > click Advanced Sharing.

b. Select the Share this folder check box, and then click OK. Click Close to close the ShareXX Properties window.

c. Click Start > Control Panel > System.


What is the name of your computer? Provide your computer name and shared folder name to your partner.
Answers may vary.

What is the name of your partner’s computer and shared folder from your partner?
Answers may vary.

Step 4: Access a Shared Folder on a Remote Computer.

a. Click Start > enter the shared folder name, for example, \\PartnerComputer\ShareXX. Notice that PartnerComputer is the name of your partner’s computer and ShareXX is the name of the shared folder.

When you have successfully accessed the resource, the content in the folder ShareXX is displayed.


Can you open the Brief file?

Can you delete the Brief file? What happens?
No. Access is denied.

b. Click Cancel to continue.

Step 5: Change the permissions of a shared folder.

a. Right-click the ShareXX folder, and then choose Properties > select the Sharing tab > click Advanced Sharing > click Permissions.


What are the default permissions?
Everyone has Read permissions.

What needs to be changed to allow any remote users to make changes in the ShareXX folder?
Everyone should also have Change and Full Control permissions.

b. Allow Everyone to change the contents of the ShareXX folder by checking the box on the Allow column and Change row. Click OK to close the Permissions window. Click OK to close the Advanced Sharing window. Click Close to Example Properties window.

c. After your partner has also made the same permission changes for their shared folder, navigate to the ShareXX folder again using the same path.


Can you open the Brief file?

Can you delete the Brief file? What happens?
Yes. Access is granted this time.

What can you do to assign a drive letter to your partner’s shared folder?
Mapping the shared folder to a drive letter using Map network drive.

d. Delete the shared folder ShareXX and close all the open windows.

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