Lab – Windows Remote Desktop and Assistance (Answers) Lab – Windows Remote Desktop and Assistance

Instructor Note: Red font color or gray highlights indicate text that appears in the Instructor copy only.


In this lab, you will partner with another student so you can configure a Remote Desktop connection for your partner and invite your partner to provide assistance on your computer via a Remote Assistance connection.

Required Resources

  • 2 Windows computers on the same local network


Part 1: Windows Remote Desktop

Windows Remote Desktop is a feature that allows a remote user to initiate a connection at any time and sign on to a local machine using an authorized account. This allows the user to work as if physically connected to the local machine. Remote Desktop can be useful for someone working from home who needs to access files and resources on the computer at work.

Step 1: Enable Remote Desktop.

There are a number of ways to access the Remote Desktop utility. In Windows 10, you can type remote desktop settings in the Windows search bar or right-click Start and choose Settings from the list as demonstrated in the Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance video.

For Windows 10:

a. Click Start and search for remote desktop settings.

b. Click the Enable Remote Desktop button to the On position. You may be prompted with a message to confirm enabling remote desktop. Click Confirm. When Remote Desktop is enabled, you will have access to more settings related to Remote Desktop connections.

c. Scroll down to How to connect to this PC.


Record the name of this computer.
Answers will vary.

d. Click Advanced settings.


What is the current Remote Desktop Port?
The default port is 3389.

For Windows 7, 8.1 and 10:

You can also use the Control Panel to access the Remote Desktop settings.

a. Click Start and open the Control Panel. In the small icons view, select System. Click Remote settings.

b. For Windows 8.1 and 10, in the Remote tab, select Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (recommended).

For Windows 7, in the Remote tab, select Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (more secure).

Note: If you are unsuccessful with Remote Desktop connection with Windows 7 as the server, you may need to change the Remote Desktop settings in Windows 7 to Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure).

c. You can also use this computer’s IP address for Remote Desktop connection. Record the IP address.


What CLI command would you use to get the IP address?
The IP address will vary. The CLI command is ipconfig.

Step 2: Add a user that can remotely access the computer.

In this step, you will add a user account that will be authorized to access this computer through remote desktop.

Add a local user to your computer using your preferred method based on the Windows version. This new user will not be associated with online Microsoft accounts. Create a username and password combination and record it below:

Answers will vary.

Answers will vary.

For Windows 10:

a. Return to the Remote Desktop window and click Select users that can remotely access this PC under User Accounts. This opens the Remote Desktop Users window.

b. Click the Add button and type in the name of the new user account you created in the Enter the object names to select box then click OK.

For Windows 7, 8.1 and 10:

You can also use the Control Panel to access the Remote Desktop settings.

a. Click Start and open the Control Panel. In the small icons view, select System. Click Remote settings.

b. In the Remote tab, click Select Users.

c. Click the Add button and type in the name of the new user account you created in the Enter the object names select box and then click OK. Your computer is now ready for Remote Desktop access.

Step 3: Connect to your partner’s computer using Remote Desktop.

In this step, you will switch computers with your partner. You will need to take turns to log into your computer using your partner’s computer.

a. Click Start and search for Remote Desktop Connection.

b. In the Remote Desktop Connection window, enter the host name or IP address of the computer you recorded in a previous step, and then click Connect.

c. In the Windows Security window, enter the username and password for the account created in a previous step. If you are prompted with a certificate warning message, click Yes.

d. You will also be prompted with a message if another user is currently logged into the computer. The message will let you know another user is signed onto the computer and the user will be disconnected, do you want to sign in? Click Yes.


What message is displayed on the remote computer and how much time is mentioned?
The user on remote computer has 30 seconds to deny the remote desktop connection or approve it. If the user on remote computer does nothing, the remote desktop is allowed after 30 seconds.

The remote desktop connection should now be established. You will have full control of your computer as if you are physically using that machine.

Step 4: End Remote Desktop Connection

End the Remote Desktop connection by either clicking on the “x” at the top of the Remote Desktop screen or click the Windows power button on the Remote Desktop and select Disconnect. Lab - Windows Remote Desktop and Assistance (Answers) 2

Part 2: Remote Assistance

Windows Remote Assistance allows a user to invite someone they trust such as a technician or a coworker to access their computer remotely to help fix a problem. The helper can connect and join a session with the user. This session can include an interactive desktop, so the helper can control the user’s computer. Remote Assistance assigns a port dynamically which can make it difficult to configure through firewalls and is thus best suited for local network support.

Step 1: Enable Remote Assistance

You and your partner will enable remote assistance and send your partner an invitation to remote assistance sessions.

a. Navigate to the Control Panel. Select System in the Small icon view. Click Remote settings.

b. In the Remote tab, select Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer.

c. Click Advanced. The default amount of time invitations can be increased to is as many as 99 days or as little as 1 minute.


What is the default amount of time remote assistance invitations remain open?
The default is 6 hours.

d. Click Cancel to return to the Remote tab and then click OK.

e. In Windows 8.1 and 10, navigate to the Control Panel. Search for remote assistance in the Search Control Panel field in the upper right-hand corner of the Control Panel. Select Invite someone to connect to your PC and help you, or offer to help someone else.

In Windows 7, click Start and search for Windows remote assistance.

f. In the Windows Remote Assistance window, select Invite someone you trust to help you.

g. Click Save this invitation as a file. Save the file in a directory of your choice. After the file is saved, a Windows Remote Assistance popup window will open with the invitation password to give to your trusted helper.


What are the ways to send an invitation to a trusted person with Remote Assistance?
A saved invitation file, via an email invitation, or using Easy Connect.

h. Email the invitation file and password to the trusted person.

Note: This is a single-use invitation. A new invitation and password are needed for a new remote assistance session.

Step 2: Use remote assistance

You and your partner will take turns to be the helper.

a. Open the email containing the Remote Assistance invitation from your partner.

b. In the Remote Assistance window, enter the password that was also sent in the email to connect to the remote computer, and click OK.

c. A pop-up Windows Remote Assistance window on your partner’s computer prompts your partner to allow the remote connection. Click Yes to allow remote assistance.

d. Remote Assistance is now working and the partner’s desktop should appear on your computer.

Note: Unlike Remote Desktop, with Remote Assistance, both users are logged onto the same computer at the same time and both can see the desktop.

e. Currently, you can see your partner’s computer and can observe your partner’s actions on their computer. Control must be requested before you can perform the functions on your partner’s computer via Remote Assistance.

On your computer, click Request Control in the top left corner of the Windows Remote Assistance window. A pop-up window will appear on your partner’s computer asking to allow your partner to share control of the desktop. Your partner clicks Yes.

Test control of your partner’s computer from your computer. From your computer, you should be able to launch programs and new windows.

f. Either user can terminate the remote assistance session by closing the Windows Remote Assistance window on the corresponding user’s computer.

g. Exchange your roles and repeat this step.

Reflection Questions

1. What type of scenarios are most appropriate for Remote Assistance in contrast with Remote Desktop?
Answers may vary but should include that Remote Assistance is best suited in helping a user troubleshoot issues on their computer. Remote Desktop is best suiting for a user that needs to remotely connect to a different computer to access resources.

2. How many simultaneous users can access a Windows computer at a single time?
Only 1 user can access the Windows desktop at a time. If a local user is on a computer, they are disconnected. If the local user returns, the remote desktop connection is disconnected.

3. What type of security components are implemented with Windows Remote Desktop?
Answers may vary but should include authentication and encryption.

4. How could remote desktop be used as a beneficial technology in the workplace?
Answers will vary but may include remote connectivity to control a computer/server at a remote site or room.

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Remco timmer
Remco timmer
3 years ago

thx broooo!!1!1!!!! very suefulllll