Lab – Remote Technician – Fix an Operating System Problem Lab – Remote Technician – Fix an Operating System Problem

Instructor Note: Red font color or gray highlights indicate text that appears in the Instructor copy only.


In this lab, you will gather data from the customer and then instruct the customer to fix a computer that does not connect to the network. Document the customer’s problem in the work order below.

Instructor Note: In this lab, the goal is to demonstrate the special skills needed to help a customer fix a computer remotely.

Lab Setup

  • Create a restore point on each computer that will have the problem.
  • Boot one of the computers in each student group into safe mode.
  • Use the Control Panel to find the name and location of the driver files used by the NIC.
  • Backup NIC driver to USB flash drive. Delete the files from C:\Windows\System32\Drivers.
  • Restart the computer normally and cancel driver installation for the NIC.
  • Turn off the wireless routers in the classroom.

Work Order

Student Technician Sheet
Company Name:        Main Street Stoneworks
Contact:                          Karin Jones
Company Address:    4252 W. Main Street
Company Phone:        1-888-774-4444

Generating a New Ticket

Category: _Operating System_         Closure Code: _____N/A_____  Status:    ____Open___
Type: _____N/A_____           Escalated: Yes                           Pending: _____N/A_____
Item: _____N/A_____                                             Pending Until Date: _____N/A_____
Business Impacting? (Yes / No) __Yes___
Summary ___Customer cannot connect to the network or the Internet.___
Case ID#: _____78_____ Connection Type: _______Ethernet_______
Priority: 2 Environment: _____N/A_____
User Platform: ___Windows 10_

Problem Description:
Computer boots correctly. Network cable connected. Link lights not working. Network icon not visible in tray.

Problem Solution:
No network connections shown with ipconfig. No network connections shown in Control Panel Network Connections section. Device manager shows only a wireless NIC. Scanned computer for hardware changes. NIC detected. Drivers not available. Used system restore to return computer to the last restore point before today. Restarted user’s computer. Network functioning normally. Shut down user’s computer and restarted user’s computer. User now able to connect to the Internet and send/receive email.

Student Customer Sheet

Use the contact information and problem description below to report the following information to a level-two technician:

Contact Information

Company Name:      Main Street Stoneworks
Contact:                     Karin Jones
Company Address:  4252 W. Main St.
Company Phone:     1-888-774-4444

Problem Description

When I came into the office today, I could not get my email. The Internet does not work either. I tried to restart my computer, but that did not help. None of the files that I need are available to me either. It is like someone pulled the plug, but the plug is still there. I need to get some files from my folder that I was working on yesterday. It is very important for me to get my files so that I can send them to my client. I do not know how to get the files or send them because my computer cannot find them. What do I do?

Note: After you have given the level-two tech the problem description, use the Additional Information to answer any follow-up questions the technician may ask.

Additional Information

  • Windows 10
  • The computer has not had any new hardware installed recently.
  • There is no wireless network available at work.
  • The computer detected new hardware at boot-up.
  • The computer could not install new hardware.
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