28.2.9 Check Your Understanding – Identify the Kill Chain Step Answers

1. In which step does the threat actor exploit the vulnerability and gain control of the target?

  • reconnaissance
  • action on objectives
  • installation
  • delivery
  • exploitation

Explanation: In the exploitation stage, the threat actor exploits vulnerabilities and gains control of the target

2. In which step is the weapon transmitted to the target through the use of a website, removable USB media, an email attachment, or by other means?

  • reconnaissance
  • delivery
  • installation
  • command and control
  • weaponization

Explanation: In the delivery stage, the weapon is transmitted to the target through the use of a website, removable USB media, or an email attachment, etc.

3. In which step does the threat actor gather intelligence and select targets?

  • delivery
  • action on objectives
  • exploitation
  • reconnaissance
  • installation

Explanation: In the reconnaissance stage, the threat actor gathers intelligence and selects targets.

4. In which step does the threat actor use a communication method such as IRC to issue commands to the software that is installed on the target?

  • command and control
  • action on objectives
  • installation
  • delivery
  • weaponization

Explanation: In the command and control stage, the threat actor uses a communication method such as IRC to issue commands to the malware that is installed on the target.

5. In which step does the threat actor use vulnerabilities of the assets that were discovered and builds them into a tool?

  • exploitation
  • delivery
  • reconnaissance
  • command and control
  • weaponization

Explanation: In the weaponization stage, the threat actor uses vulnerabilities of the assets and builds a tool to exploit them.

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